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Chimie analytique – Chimie organique – Biophysique: L’enseignement en fiches (French Edition) (True PDF from Publisher)

Objectif Internat Pharmacie: The Ultimate Study Resource for Pharmacy Students

Developed by a team of experts, including the Association des enseignants de sciences, Association des enseignants-chercheurs, Pascal DIDIER, Eric Peyrin, Nicolas Willand, Marine Peuchmaur, Christian Cav, Yen Vo Hang, Marion Flipo, and Pascal Marchand, the Objectif Internat Pharmacie collection is specifically designed for 4th and 5th-year pharmacy students. The primary goal of these study materials is to provide students with concise and comprehensive fiches that cover all the essential elements required for a successful preparation for the internat examination.

What to Expect from this Study Resource

This particular study guide focuses on three critical areas: chimie analytique, chimie organique, and biophysique. It consists of 30 fiches that meticulously cover the questions in Section I of the examination program. The presentation is clear, synthetic, and visually engaging, featuring lists, tables, and over 150 illustrations, including schemas, curves, and logigrams.

For easy navigation, each fiche is clearly labeled with the corresponding section and question numbers from the program. Additionally, a comprehensive index is provided to facilitate quick referencing.

Who Can Benefit from this Study Guide?

Beyond pharmacy students preparing for the internat examination, this study resource can also be valuable for students pursuing DFGSP, DFASP, PASS, and LAS degrees. Its concise and informative content makes it an excellent supplement to traditional coursework.

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