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Functional Exercise Prescription: Supporting Rehabilitation in Movement and Sport (EPUB)

Revolutionize Rehabilitation with Functional Exercise Prescription

Author Eyal Lederman presents a groundbreaking approach to exercise prescription in his latest book, Functional Exercise Prescription. This innovative method utilizes an individual’s own movement repertoire to support movement rehabilitation in various musculoskeletal and pain conditions.

Transforming Daily Activities into Remedial Exercises

Did you know that daily activities can be amplified to provide the necessary movement challenges for rehabilitation? Lederman’s approach shows how to turn daily life into a “life gym,” where all activities can become remedial without the need for unfamiliar exercises. This means achieving rehabilitation without the need for traditional exercises, rather, by leveraging the power of daily movements.

The Three Processes of Recovery

Recovery from musculoskeletal and pain conditions occurs through three key processes: repair, adaptation, and alleviation of symptoms. Lederman explains how to identify an individual’s recovery process and select the appropriate daily or sporting activities to support their recovery. These activities can be modified to provide the necessary movement challenges for optimal rehabilitation.

A Departure from Traditional Models

Functional Exercise Prescription provides a dramatic departure from traditional strength and conditioning models used for rehabilitation. Lederman highlights the limitations of these models and explains how they can be replaced by functional daily activities, or “functioncise.” This approach provides practitioners with practical tools to construct tailored plans for each individual, expediting and optimizing their recovery.

Most rehabilitation can be constructed from a small, familiar set of daily or sports activities. As Lederman so aptly puts it, “All human physical activity is exercise. Life is your gym.”

Functional Exercise Prescription is a must-have resource for practitioners seeking to revolutionize their approach to rehabilitation. With its innovative approach and practical tools, this book is an essential guide for optimizing recovery and achieving better outcomes for patients.

Book Details:

Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Publication Date: April 21, 2022

Language: English

ISBN: 9781912085484, 9781912085491

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