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Health and Safety, Environment and Quality Audits: A Risk-based Approach, 4th Edition (EPUB)

Health and Safety, Environment and Quality Audits: A Comprehensive Guide

By Stephen Asbury, a renowned expert in the field of occupational safety and health, this book provides a comprehensive guide to internal auditing for managing compliance and driving continuous improvement in any organization’s systematic HSEQ performance. It includes the latest health and safety, environmental, and quality management system standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018.

This book delivers a powerful and proven approach to risk-based auditing of business-critical risk areas using ISO, or your organization’s own management systems. It connects the PDCA approach to implementing management systems with auditing by focusing on the organization’s context and the needs and expectations of its interested parties. The novel approach leads HSEQ professionals and senior and line managers alike to concentrate on the most significant risks (Big Rocks and Black Swans) to their objectives.

It provides a step-by-step route through The Audit AdventureTM to provide a high-level, future-focused audit opinion. The whole approach is aligned to the international standard guidance for auditing management systems, ISO 19011:2018.

With thousands of copies now sold, this unique guide to HSEQ and operations integrity auditing has become the standard work in the field over four editions, while securing bestseller status in Australasia, Europe, North America, and South Africa. It is essential reading for senior managers and auditors alike. It remains the go-to title for those who aspire to drive a prosperous and thriving organization based on world-class HSEQ management and performance.

Dr. Stephen Asbury is the author of seven books on safety, risk management, and decision-making for Taylor & Francis. He is Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH), an Emeritus Professional of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), and a Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (FIEMA). He has almost 40 years’ experience from assignments in over sixty countries on six continents.

For more information about the book, please visit the publisher’s website.

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