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The Psychology of Aphasia: A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals (EPUB)

The Psychology of Aphasia: Understanding the Complex Emotional and Behavioral Aspects of Language Disorders

Aphasia, a communication disorder resulting from brain damage, can lead to a range of psychological reactions in individuals, including stress, loss, and impaired coping mechanisms. Despite its prevalence, the emotional and psychological toll of aphasia is often overlooked in the literature. In his book, The Psychology of Aphasia: A Practical Guide for Health Care Professionals, Dr. Dennis Tanner aims to fill this critical gap.

With over 40 years of experience as a scientist, professor, and clinician, Dr. Tanner has extensively studied the psychology of aphasia and treated thousands of patients with speech and language neuropathologies. His comprehensive guide provides a thorough understanding of the complex emotional, behavioral, and psychological aspects of aphasia.

Aphasia and Its Psychological Consequences

Aphasia can cause confusion, disorder, and emotional distress in individuals, their communication partners, and their shared environment. The loss of language and verbal defense mechanisms can lead to feelings of grief, anxiety, and depression. Dr. Tanner’s book delves into the psychological defenses and coping styles of patients, as well as the emotional and behavioral reactions that occur due to brain and nervous system damage.

A Scientific Foundation for Understanding Aphasia

The Psychology of Aphasia is the only text specifically addressing the psychological aspects of this communication disorder. The book provides a solid foundation of scientific information, backed by current and historical references spanning many decades. Healthcare professionals will gain a deeper understanding of the complex psychological aspects of aphasia, enabling them to provide more effective care and support to their patients.

Product Details

Published by: SLACK Incorporated
Publication Date: March 15, 2017
Language: English
ISBN: 9781630912680, 9781630912697

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