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Body Art (Arts for Health) (EPUB)

Body Art: A Source of Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of interest in body art, including tattoos and piercings. However, many health professionals and researchers have responded negatively to this phenomenon, associating it with issues such as ill mental health and offending behaviors.

But what if we reappraise our understanding of body art? Brian Brown and Virginia Kuulei Berndt argue that body art can be an underappreciated yet accessible source for mental and physical wellbeing. They ask, how does body art open up new sources of community, sociality, and aesthetics? How is it used for the reclamation of one’s body, as a marker of success or accomplishment, or for building friendships?

The Benefits of Body Art

Participating in body art practices can have a profound impact on one’s health and wellbeing. Body artists themselves can experience improved mental health, increased self-esteem, and a sense of community and belonging.

Moreover, body art can be a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment. By reclaiming their bodies through tattoos and other modifications, individuals can take control of their physical appearance and challenge societal norms.

In addition, body art can facilitate social connections and friendships. Through shared experiences and interests, body artists can form strong bonds and a sense of community, which can have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.

A Radical Rethink

Body Art: A Source of Mental and Physical Wellbeing is a groundbreaking book that disrupts the narrative of stigmatization surrounding body art. By integrating tattoos and other body modifications within health, wellbeing, and positive psychology, this book offers a radical rethink of the benefits of body art.

Join the conversation and discover the benefits of body art for yourself. Explore how this practice can open up new sources of community, sociality, and aesthetics, and how it can be used for the reclamation of one’s body, as a marker of success or accomplishment, or for building friendships.

Product Details:

Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited

Publication Date: September 18, 2023

Language: English

ISBN: 9781804558119, 9781804558089

Additional information

