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QMP 2018 Live Surgery With Enrico Robotti Open Rhinoplasty Course (Videos)

Expert Rhinoplasty Techniques: A Comprehensive Live Surgery Course

Renowned surgeon Dr. Enrico Robotti shares his expertise in this 2018 Live Surgery Open Rhinoplasty Course, featuring six intricate surgeries that showcase his exceptional skill and precision.

Surgical Techniques and Pearls

The course covers step-by-step operative techniques from markings to closure and postoperative dressing, supplemented with clinical photos, CT scans, and 3D renderings. Dr. Robotti shares valuable insights on the effective use of power tools and piezo, as well as the intricacies of rib grafting for secondary reconstruction with finesse.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications

Six comprehensive case studies demonstrate Dr. Robotti’s mastery of rhinoplasty, covering a range of complex nasal deformities and reconstruction techniques.

Case 1: Primary Rhinoplasty for Hyperprojected Tension Nose

This 25-year-old female patient presented with a hyperprojected tension nose, hump, wide tip, and septal deformity. Dr. Robotti demonstrates a cartilaginous pushdown procedure to achieve a more harmonious nasal profile.

Case 2: Primary Rhinoplasty for Deviated Nose with Tip Asymmetry

This 37-year-old female patient had a deviated nose with thin skin, tip asymmetry, infratip excess, contour irregularities, and external valve insufficiency. Dr. Robotti’s expert technique addresses these complex issues, resulting in a more balanced and functional nose.

Case 3: Primary Rhinoplasty for Bulbous Tip with Malposition

This 32-year-old female patient had a bulbous tip with malposition and septal deformity. Dr. Robotti demonstrates a cartilaginous pushdown procedure to correct these deformities and achieve a more refined nasal tip.

Case 4: Quaternary Rhinoplasty with Rib Grafting

This 32-year-old female patient had a deviated nose with an open roof, multiple tip deformities, severe saddling, pollybeak, and residual septal deformities. Dr. Robotti showcases his expertise in rib grafting to address these complex issues and achieve a more natural-looking nose.

Case 5: Secondary Rhinoplasty for Crooked Nose with Multiple Contour Deformities

This 29-year-old male patient had a crooked nose with multiple contour deformities, severe saddling, tip and infratip deformities, and septal deformities following trauma and rhinoseptoplasty. Dr. Robotti demonstrates the use of rib grafting to correct these complex deformities and achieve a more harmonious nasal profile.

Case 6: Secondary Rhinoplasty for Crooked Wide Nose with Bony Asymmetries

This 47-year-old female patient had a crooked wide nose with bony asymmetries, hump, saddling, and residual septal deformities. Dr. Robotti showcases his expertise in rib grafting to address these complex issues and achieve a more balanced and functional nose.

With detailed commentary and Q&A sessions between Dr. Robotti and the audience, this comprehensive course offers unparalleled educational value for surgeons and medical professionals seeking to improve their skills in rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction.

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