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Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 1: A New Glance at the Future of our Species, Volume 3 (Original PDF from Publisher)

The Future of Human Posture: Understanding the Evolution of Verticality

As we stand at the threshold of a new era, the 200-year-old locomotion paradigm is being challenged by groundbreaking discoveries in human posture and verticality. For 2,500 years, philosophers and scientists have been fascinated by the intricacies of human anatomy and its relationship with the natural world.

The Origins of Animated Forms: A Journey Through Time

From pre-Socratic philosophers to modern-day researchers, the story of human verticality is a testament to human curiosity. The origin of animated forms, once considered metaphysical, was demystified in the 19th century with the advent of mathematics and infinitesimal geometry. The discovery of the embryonic origins of straightening, linked to neurogenesis, has confirmed the natural place of human verticality and its complex nervous system.

The concept of simian filiation, once inconceivable, gained traction with Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck’s locomotion postulate in 1802. However, it was only in 1987 that the discovery of the embryonic origins of straightening overturned the long-held doctrine of inheritance of acquired characteristics.

The Future of Human Posture: Intrauterine Homination and Space Exploration

Today, humans find themselves at the physical limit of straightening, with mechanisms of gametogenesis driving neurogenesis to exponential complexity. As we gaze up at the vast expanse of space, we are forced to ask: is the future of human posture exclusively terrestrial, or does intrauterine hominization open up new frontiers for space exploration?

Posturologists, occlusodontics, osteopaths, and cogniscientists are all united in their quest to understand the implications of this discovery, as humans confront their natural destiny.

Product Details

  • ASIN: B09D2FGT13
  • Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; 1st edition (August 17, 2021)
  • Publication Date: August 17, 2021
  • Language: English
  • Screen Reader: Supported
  • Sticky Notes: On Kindle Scribe
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1786306069

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