Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $150.00.

26th Düsseldorf International Endoscopy Symposium, Feb 1-3 2024 (Videos)

Expert-Led Live Demonstrations and Lectures in Advanced Endoscopy

Join us for an unforgettable experience, featuring live-demonstrations and lectures by an internationally renowned faculty from the endoscopy unit of the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf.

Learning Objectives

  • Stay updated on new imaging technologies and their impact on advanced endoscopic diagnosis
  • Discover the role of AI in endoscopic diagnosis, treatment, decision making, and quality control
  • Learn about evidence-based treatment of early gastrointestinal neoplasia
  • Explore advances in cholangiopancreatoscopy, EUS, and other endoscopic techniques
  • Understand the importance of sustainability of endoscopic services versus infection prevention
  • Gain insights into prevention, recognition, and management of adverse events
  • Get familiar with new endoscopic technologies and their applications

Expert Lectures and Mini-Symposia

1st Mini-Symposium: Advanced Imaging and AI in Endoscopic Diagnosis

  • How to detect and treat residual-recurrent lesions by T. Rosch, Hamburg
  • Efficient endoscopic treatment – how to avoid incomplete resections by N. Yahagi, Tokyo
  • Detection and characterization – role of advanced imaging, AI, and classification systems by A. Repici, Milan

2nd Mini-Symposium: Esophageal and Rectal Adenocarcinoma

  • Adenocarcinoma of the rectum by M. Bourke, Sydney
  • Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus by R. Pouw, Amsterdam

3rd Mini-Symposium: Multidisciplinary Approach to Indeterminate Hilar Biliary Strictures

  • Multidisciplinary approach to indeterminate hilar biliary strictures by J. Devire, Brussels
  • EUS-guided endoscopic anastomoses vs. luminal stenting in malignant and benign duodenal obstruction by T. Itoi, Tokyo
  • Preoperative drainage of malignant biliary strictures – when and how by N. Reddy, Hyderabad

4th Mini-Symposium: Advanced Imaging and AI in Barrett’s Esophagus and Endo-Hepatology

  • Role of advanced imaging and artificial intelligence in Barrett’s esophagus evaluation by H. Messmann, Augsburg
  • Role of new methods in endo-hepatology in 2024 by M. Ibrahim, Cairo
  • Optimizing outcomes of upper GI ESD using new strategies and tools by N. Yahagi, Tokyo
  • Current and future developments in metabolic and bariatric endoscopy by I. Boskoski, Rome
  • Cholangio-Pancreatoscopy in 2024, new tools, new opportunities by J. van Hooft, Leiden
  • Subserosal endoscopy in the 4th space – indications, results, and limitations by P. Zhou, Shanghai
  • Prevention and endoscopic treatment of (post-resection) esophageal strictures by P. Deprez, Brussels

State-of-the-Art Lectures

  • How will AI change our endoscopic practice by P. Sharma, Kansas City
  • New endoscopic techniques for evaluation and treatment of GERD by H. Inoue, Tokyo

Live Cases

  1. STER
  2. ERCP – EPT, Cholangioscopy – Biopsies
  3. EUS-GE
  4. ARMS-P
  5. ESD
  6. ESD
  7. EMR
  8. Duodenal ESD
  9. Colonic EMR
  10. G-POEM

Additional information

