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Administrative and Clinical Procedures for the Canadian Health Professional, 5th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Administrative and Clinical Procedures for the Canadian Health Professional

By Valerie D. Thompson

Course: Management-Administration for Health Professionals

ISBN: This ISBN is for the Pearson eText and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplement.

Description: This comprehensive text prepares students to work in any type of primary care setting as well as in an acute-care hospital, assuming the administrative responsibilities of a patient-care unit. The student will have the knowledge and background necessary to collaborate effectively with other members of the health care team, facilitating his or her role and contributions to delivering individualized, seamless, high-quality patient care.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive nature of the text enables the student to graduate knowing the what and the why behind his or her administrative tasks and responsibilities.
  • Includes changes affecting the student’s role function and responsibilities resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic both in primary care and in the hospital setting.
  • Features all-Canadian content.

Publication Details:


Publisher: Pearson Canada; 5th edition (January 4, 2021)

Publication Date: January 4, 2021

Language: English

Additional information

