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Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine, 6th Edition (EPUB)

ROSSIS PRINCIPLES OF TRANSFUSION MEDICINE: A Comprehensive Resource for Clinicians and Scientists

Transfusion Medicine plays a vital role in the treatment of patients with hematologic, oncologic, and surgical conditions, as well as critical care medicine and chronic care. As a single, reliable source for information on all aspects of Transfusion Medicine, this book aims to cover everything from donor management to clinical applications, including implantable tissue and regenerative medicine.

Expert Insights from Diverse Disciplines

The sixth edition features contributions from renowned experts across scientific, medical, and surgical disciplines. This diversity of expertise enables the book to delve into a wide range of topics, including:

  • Contemporary issues in donation and transfusion, such as patient blood management, clinical and technical aspects of blood administration, and donor and patient Hemovigilance
  • Blood components and derivatives, including red blood cell metabolism, preservation and oxygen delivery, blood groups, and composition of plasma
  • Apheresis, transplantation, and new therapies, covering hematopoietic growth factors, therapeutic phlebotomy and cellular apheresis, HLA antigens, alleles, and antibodies
  • The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Transfusion Medicine, as well as the role of pathogen reduction and other modern trends

A Valuable Resource for Clinicians, Students, and Scientists

This comprehensive guide serves as an essential resource for clinicians who prescribe blood, students entering clinical practice, and scientists, physicians, nurses, technologists, and others involved in ensuring the quality and availability of blood services.

Publication Details:

Publisher: Wiley

Publication Date: July 8, 2022

Language: English

ISBN: 9781119719755, 9781119719786

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