
Goniométrie, 2nd edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Goniometry: A Comprehensive Guide to Measuring Joint Amplitudes

Goniometry is the study and measurement of joint amplitudes, a fundamental component of numerous kinesthetic assessments of the locomotor apparatus. In this revised and updated edition, author Isabelle Delbarre Grossemy provides a thorough exploration of the tools and instruments used in goniometry, including goniometers, inclinometers, and centimetric measurements.

Regional Approach to Goniometry

The book is divided into sections focused on specific anatomical regions, including the upper limbs, lower limbs, and spine. Each section provides a methodical approach to:

  • Anatomical approach to understanding joint function and muscle evaluation
  • Modalities of evaluation, including patient and therapist positioning and preparation
  • Defining reference positions
  • Placement and utilization of goniometers
  • Normal values and variations for each movement or posture

The book is enriched with numerous clear and schematic illustrations, as well as photographs demonstrating palpation and measurement techniques, common measures such as knee flexion, and more.

This revised edition is a valuable resource for professionals and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of goniometry and its applications in kinesthetic assessments.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive coverage of goniometry and its instruments
  • Regional approach to goniometry for upper limbs, lower limbs, and spine
  • Richly illustrated with clear and schematic diagrams
  • Includes photographs of measurement techniques and common measures
  • Revised and updated edition with new content and features

Published by Elsevier Masson, this book is a must-have for any professional or student seeking to deepen their understanding of goniometry and its role in kinesthetic assessments.

ISBN: 9782294781803, 9782294781476

Copyright 2023

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