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Netter – Guida all’anatomia sistematica (EPUB)

Learning Anatomy: A Comprehensive Guide

By Virginia T. Lyons

Within the study path of medical sciences, learning anatomy plays a crucial role, and the approach based on different organ systems has proven to be the most effective. This volume is therefore a fundamental resource for students, offering not only the basics of macroscopic anatomy but also its clinical contextualization. Each system is specifically described through an overview of its functions, emphasizing its clinical relevance.

At the end of each chapter, students will find useful multiple-choice quizzes that allow both the review of acquired concepts and the testing of their clinical application.

The core consists of the excellent illustrations by Frank H. Netter and Carlos Machado, which accompany a text that is already clear and effective in its punctual and synthetic structure. Each drawing exemplarily represents the anatomical detail, highlighting the importance of the visual nature of learning for students, who will find in this volume a foundational tool for approaching macroscopic human anatomy.

Product Details


Publisher: Edra (December 12, 2022)

Language: Italian

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