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New concept for Class III treatment in 21 Days: The successes and Long Term Follow-ups on Fast creation of Airway improvement and Class III treatment Using RME and Chin-cup (Original PDF from Publisher)

Transforming Orthodontic Treatment with RME Activation and Chin Cup

By Jenny Chen Chung

This book is dedicated to my mentor and role model, Dr. T. M. Graber, an outstanding teacher who exemplified the qualities of a patient listener and a leader. Dr. Graber’s uncanny ability to engage all students in the learning process has been a profound influence on my career, particularly in the area of Respiratory Mouth Ergonomic (RME) activation with chin cup.

The Power of RME Activation with Chin Cup

RME activation with chin cup has revolutionized the way I approach orthodontic treatment. By changing tongue posture, we can open the airway, prevent the tongue from encroaching the mandible, and decelerate mandibular growth. This, in turn, enhances maxilla and nasal bone advancement, ultimately changing the growth pattern of our patients.

As orthodontists, we often focus on dentition and skeletal development, neglecting the significant impact of tongue posture on malocclusion. By integrating RME activation with chin cup into our treatment approach, we can address common issues such as maxillary deficiency, mandibular prognathism, and anterior crowding.

Goals of Early Orthodontic Treatment

The primary objectives of early orthodontic treatment are:

  • Preventing progressive, irreversible soft-tissue or bony changes
  • Improving skeletal discrepancies and providing a more favorable environment for normal growth
  • Enhancing occlusal function
  • Possibly shortening phase II comprehensive treatment
  • Avoiding anterior crowding and cuspids impaction
  • Providing more pleasing facial esthetics, thereby improving psychosocial development
  • Improving the patient’s respiration by changing their breathing pattern from an oral to a nasal approach

By adopting this approach, we can redirect the growth pattern of our patients and improve their overall respiratory health. I encourage my fellow orthodontists to explore the potential of RME activation with chin cup in their practices.

Book Details:

Publication Date: November 2, 2022

Language: English

Sticky Notes: Not Enabled

Discover how RME activation with chin cup can transform your orthodontic practice and improve patient outcomes. Read on to learn more about this innovative approach.

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