
Preclinical Manual of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, 4th edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Mastering Preclinical and Clinical Exercises in Conservative Dentistry: A Comprehensive Guide

This exhaustive manual is designed to assist BDS students in their first and second year, providing a step-by-step visual guide to mastering various preclinical and clinical exercises in conservative dentistry. As the only book of its kind, it serves as an invaluable resource for learning and practicing exercises on both plaster and typodont models in the preclinical laboratory.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Step-by-Step Pictorial Representation: Detailed illustrations and explanations of all laboratory exercises on plaster and typodont models.
  • Viva-Voce and Spotters Preparation: Over 300 commonly asked questions to help students prepare for their examination.
  • Comprehensive Glossary: A exhaustive list of conservative dentistry and endodontic terms for quick reference.
  • Synopsis of Topics: A concise overview of key topics related to conservative dentistry and endodontics.
  • Instruments and Equipment Guide: Clear descriptions and illustrations of every instrument and equipment used in the field.
  • Dental Materials and Instrumentation: In-depth information on the composition, properties, uses, and manipulation of various dental materials, along with a beginner’s pictorial guide to using hand and rotary instruments.
  • Tooth Preparation Fundamentals: A detailed discussion on the features, rules, and fundamentals of tooth preparation.

Product Details

Publisher: Elsevier

Language: English

Pages: 492

ISBN-10: 8131267172

ISBN-13: 978-8131267172

Additional information

