
Viviendo con Covid-19. Consecuencias médicas, mentales y sociales de la pandemia (Spanish Edition) (High Quality Image PDF)

The Devastating Impact of COVID-19: A Comprehensive Analysis

By Samoon Ahmad M.D.

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered our way of life. As we move beyond the immediate characteristics and consequences of the pandemic, it’s essential to delve into its profound effects on our society, encompassing emotional, political, social, and economic aspects.

With his extensive international experience in studying post-traumatic stress disorder following catastrophes, Dr. Samoon Ahmad is uniquely positioned to provide an exhaustive analysis of how COVID-19 has influenced medicine, public health, and the global psyche.

Viviendo con Covid-19: Consecuencias Médicas, Mentales y Sociales de la Pandemia

This comprehensive book offers readers a unique and timely perspective on the most disturbing public health phenomenon of the past 100 years. Dr. Ahmad, a psychiatrist and esteemed author, explores the scientific fundamentals of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its long-term psychological, clinical, and professional repercussions in two main sections.

Section 1: Understanding the Virus and its Clinical Characteristics

The first section examines the historical background of pandemics, virology, and clinical characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection, providing readers with a solid foundation for understanding the intricacies of the virus.

Section 2: The Far-Reaching Consequences of the Pandemic

The second section delves into the broader implications of the pandemic on society, with a particular focus on its impact on public health policies, the medical profession, and the individual psychology of children and adults.

Book Details:

  • Publisher: LWW
  • Edition: First Edition (January 14, 2023)
  • Language: Spanish
  • ISBN-10: 8419284092
  • ISBN-13: 978-8419284099

Gain a deeper understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic’s profound effects on our society and its long-term consequences with Dr. Samoon Ahmad’s expert analysis.

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