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Problem-Based Learning Approach in Microbiology (EPUB)

Problem-Based Learning Approach in Microbiology: A Comprehensive Guide

This innovative approach to learning microbiology and infectious diseases uses real patient problems, or cases, to stimulate interactive learning and facilitate clinical training.

Real-World Learning with Case Studies

The book is divided into seven sections, each featuring a clinical case scenario that begins with a problem, followed by learning objectives. The Question-and-answer section encourages student-tutor interaction, resulting in a problem-solving approach that enhances knowledge retention and correlation with real-life scenarios.

Comprehensive Coverage of Infectious Diseases

This book covers a wide spectrum of commonly encountered infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases, and immunological diseases. It provides a comprehensive overview of each disease, including:

  • Epidemiology and pathogenicity of the etiological agent
  • Host immune response
  • Clinical manifestations
  • Diagnostic measures

Enhancing Learning and Retention

This problem-based learning approach ensures better information retention, as it exposes readers to real clinical cases and stimulates interactive learning. It also enhances the reader’s ability to correlate concepts in microbiology, immunology, and infectious diseases with real clinical cases.

Question-and-Answer Section

The Question-and-answer section facilitates student-teacher interaction, resulting in a problem-solving approach and ensuring better retention of information.

Microbiology Section

Each chapter in the “Microbiology” section focuses on the etiological agent responsible for the disease manifested in the particular case. It provides a comprehensive overview of the epidemiology and pathogenicity of the agent, as well as the host immune response, clinical manifestations, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures.

Book Details:

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Language: English

ISBN: 9780323950923, 9780323950930

Publication Date: January 30, 2023

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