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Judgment, Decision-Making, and Embodied Choices (EPUB)

Embodied Choices: Understanding Gut Feelings in Decision-Making

Embodied choices, a concept that integrates cognitive psychology and movement science, emphasizes the role of sensorimotor experiences in making decisions, especially when time and resources are limited. This approach highlights the importance of gut feelings in decision-making processes.

The Gut as a Second Brain

Research has shown that the gut plays a significant role in decision-making, often referred to as the “second brain.” This connection between the brain and gut influences behavior, particularly in situations involving risk. Gut feelings are more than just intuition; they are a result of the complex interplay between the nervous system, hormones, and the gut microbiome.

Real-Life Applications of Embodied Choices

Embodied choices are not just theoretical concepts; they have practical implications in various aspects of life. For instance, in medical decision-making, embodied choices can significantly influence treatment options. Similarly, in shopping decisions, embodied choices can determine what products we choose and why.

Training Embodied Choices

While embodied choices are often instinctual, they can also be trained and improved. By becoming more aware of our gut feelings and practicing mindfulness, we can enhance our decision-making abilities and make more informed choices.

Author: Markus Raab

Publication Date: October 14, 2020

ISBN: 9780128235232, 9780128235607

Language: English

Publisher: Elsevier Science

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