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Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Attention: Computational Models, Physiology, and Disease States (EPUB)

Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Attention: Understanding the Brain’s Attention Control System

Authored by Golnaz Baghdadi, this comprehensive guide delves into the intricate mechanisms of the brain’s attention control system. It explores how these mechanisms are examined, how they function in different disease states, and methods for improving them. The book also delves into conceptual models of attention, shedding light on their functional operation.

Different Types of Attention and Their Impact

The book covers various types of attention, including selective, divided, and sustained attention. It discusses the processing paths involved and the role of brain anatomy in attention. Moreover, it highlights attention’s crucial role in memory and movement processes.

Factors Affecting Attention

Baghdadi’s work also investigates factors that influence attention, such as nutrition, exercise, and genetics. It provides insights into how these factors can impact an individual’s attention span and cognitive abilities.

Neurocognitive Disorders and Their Impact on Attention

The guide extensively covers neurocognitive disorders that affect attention, including autism, ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease. It discusses the assessment methods and treatments available, set against the backdrop of current conceptual, computational, and oscillatory-based models.

Advances in Attention Research and Treatment

Finally, the book explores therapeutic advances aimed at improving attention. It encourages researchers to continue developing new diagnostic and therapeutic tools, further advancing our understanding of the complex attention control system.

With its comprehensive coverage of attention mechanisms, factors influencing attention, and the impact of neurocognitive disorders, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers, clinicians, and students seeking a deeper understanding of the brain’s attention control system.

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