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Engagement and Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing (Transforming Nursing Practice Series) (Original PDF from Publisher)

Effective Communication in Mental Health Nursing: A Person-Centred Approach

By Sandra Walker

Effective communication is a crucial skill for mental health nurses, as identified by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Building rapport and developing therapeutic relationships with service users is essential for promoting recovery and delivering high-quality care. However, this skill doesn’t come naturally to everyone. That’s why this book is designed to help students and practitioners understand and apply communication theories and models in real-world settings.

Key Features:

  • Covers the communication content of the new NMC Standards and Essential Skills Clusters for pre-registration degree-level nursing education
  • Adopts a person-centred approach, focusing on promoting recovery and putting the service user at the centre of the discussion
  • Interactive style using realistic scenarios and case studies to make theory easy to apply to practice
  • Includes a unique chapter co-authored by a service user, offering a valuable insight into their experiences and perspectives

This innovative book is designed to help students and practitioners develop their communication skills through interactive exercises that encourage reflection and practice. By applying communication theories and models to real-world scenarios, students can develop the skills and confidence they need to deliver effective, person-centred care.

About the Book:

  • Publisher: Learning Matters
  • Edition: 1st edition, published on May 30, 2014
  • Language: English
  • Format: Hardcover, 160 pages
  • ISBN-10: 1446274799
  • ISBN-13: 978-1446274798

Additional information

