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Harnessing Digital Technology and Data for Nursing Practice – E-Book (EPUB)

Empowering Nurses to Lead Digital Transformation in Healthcare

By Natasha Phillips, Gemma Stacey, and Dawn Dowding

In today’s digital age, nurses play a vital role in developing and implementing digital health strategies to deliver optimal care. Harnessing Digital Technology and Data for Nursing Practice is a timely book that equips nurses with the proficiency and confidence to lead this transformation.

Comprehensive Coverage of Digital Transformation in Nursing

This book provides an in-depth exploration of the historical, theoretical, and practical dimensions of digital transformation in nursing. It delves into a wide range of topics, including:

  • Person-centred practice and user-centred design
  • Nursing workforce development and evolving nursing practices
  • The role of data in improving patient care and research
  • Digital transformation of healthcare
  • Nursing informatics and data-driven practice
  • Health inequalities and telehealth and remote monitoring
  • Ethical and legal considerations in digital health
  • Population health and research

Expert insights are supported by engaging learning activities and real-life case studies, enabling nurses to apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios.

Aimed at Nurses of All Levels and Settings

This book is designed for nurses and midwives working in various settings and at all professional levels. It empowers readers to understand the significance of digital technologies and data in improving patient care, supporting nurse wellbeing, and enhancing daily practice.

By reading Harnessing Digital Technology and Data for Nursing Practice, nurses will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to:

  • Play a central role in shaping the digital future of healthcare
  • Apply digital technologies in practice to improve patient outcomes
  • Address the challenges of adopting digital health and promote digital literacy
  • Collaborate in the design and implementation of digital solutions

This book creates a vision for nurses as co-navigators of care, making informed decisions driven by real-time patient analytics. Ancillary videos support learning, making it an invaluable resource for nurses seeking to stay ahead in the digital healthcare landscape.

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