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School Nursing: The Essential Reference (EPUB)

School Nursing: The Essential Reference for Effective Practice

Edited and authored by experts in the field, this comprehensive medical training book provides school nurses with the critical information they need for effective practice. School Nursing: The Essential Reference covers key foundational principles, best practices, and the future of school nursing practice, making it an indispensable resource for both novice and experienced school nurses.

Comprehensive Coverage of School Nursing

This multidisciplinary reference tool provides a full background on the scope and standards of school nursing, including interdisciplinary practices, coordinated school health programs, cultural competency, and laws and ethics. It also delves into sensitive topics such as sexual orientation and gender identity, violence toward self and others, emergency and disaster preparedness, and the impact of COVID-19 on school nursing practice.

Evidence-Based Clinical Protocols and Resources

The book offers evidence-based clinical protocols for the management of acute and chronic illnesses, as well as issues confronted by marginalized students. Additionally, it provides more than 100 multiple-choice review questions as an online supplementary resource, perfect for school nurses looking to test their knowledge and prepare for practice or certification exams.

Key Features and Benefits

This essential reference guide provides:

  • Comprehensive coverage of all elements of school nursing practice
  • Best practices for the care and management of students, including marginalized students
  • In-depth discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity, violence toward self and others, emergency, and disaster preparedness
  • Insights into the impact of COVID-19 on school nursing practice and related management strategies
  • Over 100 multiple-choice review questions for self-assessment and exam preparation
  • Tips and strategies for school nurses to thrive as advocates, health educators, and leaders

Published by Springer Publishing Company, this 470-page paperback was released on September 1, 2020. The eBook is also available for use on most mobile devices or computers.

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