Original price was: 263,00 €.Current price is: 101,00 €.

Mastery of Primary and Secondary Mastopexy QMP (Videos)

Mastopexy Breast Surgeries: A Comprehensive Video Series by Dr. Bradley Calobrace

Dr. Bradley Calobrace, a renowned expert in breast surgery, presents an educational video series showcasing five different mastopexy breast surgeries with various combined procedures to enhance aesthetic results. This in-depth series covers each case from preoperative evaluation to postoperative results, featuring detailed step-by-step techniques, tips to improve outcomes, and avoidance of complications.

Expert Insights into Mastopexy Techniques and Ancillary Procedures

Throughout the series, Dr. Calobrace shares his expertise on pertinent anatomy and operative approaches, including:

  • Central pedicle mastopexy with mesh support
  • Primary and secondary augmentation mastopexy with mesh support
  • Mastopexy with autoaugmentation and explantation with mastopexy
  • Autoaugmentation and fat grafting

The video series also highlights ancillary techniques, such as:

  • Popcorn and suture capsulorrhaphy
  • Mirror capsulotomy
  • Capsulectomy indications and technique
  • Liposuction
  • Axillary breast excision

5 Comprehensive Cases with 7 Hours of Operative Video

The series includes five comprehensive cases, each featuring 7 hours of operative video, covering:

  • Case 1: Central Pedicle Mastopexy Reduction with Mesh Support
  • Case 2: Secondary Mastopexy with Implant Exchange, Popcorn Capsulorrhaphy with Mesh Reinforcement, and Bilateral Axillary Breast Excision
  • Case 3: Superior Mastopexy with Lower Pole Transposition Autoaugmentation
  • Case 4: Primary Augmentation Mastopexy with Mesh Reinforcement
  • Case 5: Explanation and Total Capsulectomy with Superiorly Based Mastopexy, Autoaugmentation, and Fat Grafting

Dr. Calobrace’s expertise and experience are invaluable, providing viewers with valuable tips and tricks for performing mastopexy procedures. This informative video series is a must-watch for surgeons and medical professionals seeking to improve their skills and knowledge in breast surgery.

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