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Clinical Manual of Drug Interaction Principles for Medical Practice (Original PDF from Publisher)

Drug Interactions: A Growing Concern in Medical Practice

Drug interactions have become a significant iatrogenic complication, with as many as 5% of hospitalizations and 7,000 deaths annually attributable to drug-drug interactions in the United States. This alarming trend is driven by several factors, including the introduction of new medications, advances in medical care leading to increased longevity, and an aging population that is more likely to be following polypharmacy regimens.

The Consequences of Drug Interactions

The repercussions of drug interactions can be severe, resulting in serious health complications and even death. It is essential for healthcare providers to have access to current, comprehensive, and reliable information to prevent these interactions.

A Comprehensive Resource for Healthcare Providers

The Clinical Manual of Drug Interaction Principles for Medical Practice provides healthcare providers with the necessary tools to navigate the complex landscape of drug interactions. This indispensable resource is designed specifically for psychiatry clinicians, including residents and nurses, as well as forensics experts.

Key Features of the Clinical Manual

  • Well-organized into major sections on metabolism, cytochrome P450 enzymes, drug interactions by medical specialty, and practical matters.
  • In-depth coverage of P450 enzymes, including their polymorphisms and the effects of drugs on enzyme activity.
  • Extensive references and study cases to facilitate understanding and contextualization of the information.
  • The latest information on drug metabolism, transport, and interaction.
  • An expanded chapter on P-glycoprotein, a drug transporter, covering a broader array of transport mechanisms.

This exceptional resource was developed with the highest ethical standards, free from any influence from pharmaceutical makers or distributors. The contributing experts are renowned in their fields, ensuring that the information contained in the Manual reflects the latest research.

Maintaining the Highest Standard of Care

The Clinical Manual of Drug Interaction Principles for Medical Practice is an essential tool for healthcare providers who strive to maintain the highest standard of care. By staying informed about the latest developments in drug interactions, clinicians can provide better patient care and prevent these potentially life-threatening complications.

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