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Individuelle sprachliche Variation in WhatsApp-Chats (EPUB)

Exploring the Language Use of Individuals: A Study on WhatsApp Text Messages

This study aims to highlight the significance of individual language use as a crucial research area in linguistics. By analyzing dialectal data from a vast corpus of WhatsApp text messages, new insights into intra-individual linguistic variation are gained.

Uncovering Key Themes in Sociolinguistic Research

The study focuses on three critical themes that hold great relevance in sociolinguistic research: stylistic variation, accommodation, and real-time change. These themes are examined through individual-centered case analyses, which reveal how variation patterns are used to convey social meanings in interactions.

The findings show how individuals communicating with each other adapt their language use to align with one another, and how individual linguistic patterns change over time.

About the Book

Published by Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, on September 25, 2023, this book is written in German and is available with the ISBN numbers 9783631895221 and 9783631895238.

Delve into the world of linguistics and discover the importance of individual language use in shaping our communication patterns.

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