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Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives, 6th Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Communicating About Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Health Communication

Now in its sixth edition, Communicating About Health: Current Issues and Perspectives continues to be a leading resource in the field of health communication. This dynamic and current exploration delves into the cultural, social, and organizational issues that influence health communication and health advocacy.

Communicating About Health is an indispensable resource for readers seeking to improve their communication abilities in fields related to health. This text explores health communication through the eyes of patients, care providers, healthcare leaders, campaign designers, and more. Readers will learn how culture, media, personal identity, technology, social networks, and other factors contribute to health and healing.

This book offers rich, current research and in-depth analysis of the complex issues surrounding health communication. It is a valuable tool for anyone looking to understand the intricacies of health communication and how it can be improved.

Communicating About Health is authored by Athena du Pré and Barbara Cook Overton, two experts in the field of health communication. Their combined knowledge and experience make this book a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in improving health communication.

This sixth edition of Communicating About Health is available in paperback format and contains 448 pages. It is published by Oxford University Press and was released on July 31, 2020. The ISBN-10 is 0190924365, and the ISBN-13 is 978-0190924362.

For instructors, a wealth of digital resources is available at www.oup.com/he/dupre-6e. These resources include teaching aids, sample chapters, and more to help instructors integrate Communicating About Health into their curriculum.

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