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Digital Human Modeling and Medicine: The Digital Twin (EPUB)

Digital Human Modeling and Medicine: Unlocking the Power of Digital Twins

Digital Human Modeling (DHM) has revolutionized the field of medicine by enabling the creation of virtual models that accurately represent human physical properties, characteristics, and behaviors. These digital twins can be used standalone or integrated with other computer-aided design systems to design and study medical devices and their interactions with humans.

What is Digital Human Modeling?

DHM is the science of creating virtual models of humans that can simulate real-world scenarios, allowing for fast and cost-efficient assessment of human functional systems and human-system interactions. This technology has far-reaching applications in medicine, enabling practitioners to make informed decisions and improve patient outcomes.

A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Human Modeling in Medicine

“Digital Human Modeling and Medicine: The Digital Twin” provides an industry-first, introductory, and practitioner-focused overview of human simulation tools. With detailed chapters on body functional elements and organs, organ interactions, and fields of application, this book bridges the gap between DHM and medical practice.

What You’ll Learn

  • A non-specialist level, up-to-date overview and introduction to all medically relevant DHM systems
  • User-level examples and case studies of DHM applications in various medical fields
  • How DHM interfaces with common physical devices in medical practice, addressing a common practitioner question

This comprehensive compendium is clearly structured and easy to access, read, and understand, making it an essential resource for practitioners, researchers, and students in the field of medicine and digital health.

Stay ahead of the curve and discover the potential of digital twins in medicine. Explore the latest developments and applications of Digital Human Modeling in “Digital Human Modeling and Medicine: The Digital Twin” today.

Book Details:

  • Publisher: Elsevier Science
  • Publication Date: December 4, 2022
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780128239131 (Print), 9780128242186 (E-book)

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