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Disaster Victim Identification (EPUB)

Effective Disaster Victim Identification: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers

Disaster victim identification (DVI) is a crucial aspect of disaster planning and response. According to experts Jay H. Levinson and Abraham J. Domb, DVI must be fundamentally integrated into general disaster planning and operations procedures from the outset. This approach allows for pre-event assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, ensuring seamless communication and coordination among response agencies.

The Importance of Interagency Coordination and Planning

To provide the best response to disaster victims and their communities, exercising, interagency memoranda of understanding (MOU), and coordination are essential. By planning ahead, disaster response teams can integrate outside assistance into their general work plan and workflow, ensuring practical action and measures are undertaken quickly and effectively.

A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Disaster Victim Identification

DVI requires a multi-disciplinary approach, involving various methodologies and expertise. Effective DVI processes serve as an integral part of overall disaster response, requiring careful consideration and integration of outside assistance.

Expert Insights from Seasoned Professionals

Disaster Victim Identification brings together the expertise of two professionals with extensive first-hand experience in the field. Their insights into what works, what doesn’t, and how to maintain best practices while avoiding common mistakes make this book an invaluable resource for professionals.

This comprehensive guide covers the overall DVI process, its various methodologies, and its role in disaster response. With its focus on practical action and measures, this book will be a welcome addition to professionals working in disaster response and management.

Book Details:

Published by CRC Press (1st edition, June 13, 2023)

Language: English

Format: Paperback (124 pages)

ISBN-10: 1032385030

ISBN-13: 978-1032385037

Additional information

