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Effective Teaching: Instructional Methods and Strategies for Occupational Therapy Education (EPUB)

Effective Teaching in Occupational Therapy Education: Evidence-Based Instructional Methods and Strategies

Authored by Dr. Whitney Henderson, Effective Teaching: Instructional Methods and Strategies for Occupational Therapy Education is a comprehensive guide for educators in occupational therapy and allied health professions. Grounded in research and experience, this valuable resource offers practical examples of various instructional methods and theoretical models to facilitate student-centered learning.

Implementing Evidence-Based Teaching Practices

Dr. Henderson’s book presents the latest trends and methods used in education, providing an easy-to-understand overview of each technique. Allied health educators can follow step-by-step details to implement evidence-based instructional methods, including:

  • Description of the instructional method
  • Evidence supporting the use of the method
  • Discussion of a learning theory and how the method relates to this theory
  • Discussion of how to use the method to develop clinical reasoning
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the method
  • Examples of classroom use
  • Application of the method to a professional situation

A Comprehensive Resource for Occupational Therapy Educators

Effective Teaching: Instructional Methods and Strategies for Occupational Therapy Education is a one-stop shop for implementing unique and useful instructional methods in educational courses. With excellent explanations of theoretical foundations, how-to methods and models, and strategies for educators to employ, this book is an essential resource for occupational therapy educators seeking to improve student outcomes.

Product Details:

Published by SLACK Incorporated on June 9, 2021

Language: English

ISBN: 9781630916794, 9781630916800

Additional information

