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Honey: Composition and Health Benefits (EPUB)

Unlock the Secrets of Honey: A Comprehensive Guide to Composition and Health Benefits

By Md. Ibrahim Khalil, a renowned author in the field of natural foods and health, “Honey: Composition and Health Benefits” offers an in-depth analysis of the world’s most famous natural food product. This book provides a systematic assessment of honey’s health benefits, shedding light on centuries of tradition and exploring the scientific basis for claims about honey as a natural remedy.

A Detailed Look at Honey’s Constituents

Dedicated chapters focus on each of honey’s constituent materials, providing a comprehensive treatment of this natural food. From carbohydrates and amino acids to organic acids and more, this book covers it all.

Other Honey Products: Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Bee Venom

“Honey: Composition and Health Benefits” also delves into other honey products, including royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom, offering insights into their composition, health effects, and uses.

Contaminants and Toxins in Honey

Closing chapters address contaminants and toxins found in honey, ensuring readers have a complete understanding of this natural food product.

A Global Team of Experts

A distinguished team of global contributors, each with decades of expertise, has come together to create this essential resource for food scientists, nutritionists, and health scientists.

“Honey: Composition and Health Benefits” promises to be a valuable resource for those in both academic research and industry, providing a wealth of information on the world’s most renowned natural food product.

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